About Fr. Michael

Update 2018:  This blog was put on the back burner when I departed the USA for the lushness of Ireland.  Retirement from academia required a new assignment from the Society of Jesus.  A longtime dream materialized when I was sent to Ireland to pursue the next chapter of my life as a spiritual director.

The past few years have been filled with new adventures and much more international travel.   My permanent residence is at a retreat center where I meet with retreatants, lead indepth Bible study classes, and spend time in the community sharing God’s word.

Since moving across the Atlantic to this charming isle, I have had opportunities to visit ancient holy lands in Turkey and Greece, work with orphans in Kenya and Uganda, and teach classes at a university in Chile.  My passport is filling with visas and my fluency in foreign tongues is increasing.

Life is a journey, and God is leading me on a blessed path to all corners of the Earth He created.

2013:  I have spent my entire life in school — student, seminarian, teacher, professor.  Achieving a quality education was important to my Irish immigrant grandparents as they pursued the American dream for their children.  Although mostly self-taught, they were successful in achieving that dream as they watched their children and grandchildren earn post-graduate degrees.  With a love for learning instilled in me from a very young age, is it any wonder that I have chosen to share my love of the academic world with my students?

My family is devoutly Catholic.  Because of our faith, and because of a life-altering illness, I heard God’s call to serve Him and my church.  At a very young age, I was drawn to the priesthood.  Because of my love of academia, I was led to the Jesuits — known for their contribution to academics.

Blogging is a little scary for me — I am an extremely private person who prefers not to share stories about my life, especially with people I do not know well.  My family encouraged me to write as a means of overcoming my shyness.  They have also suggested that I could write a book.  About what?  My expertise is in ancient Biblical Christianity.  I am a professor of Religious Studies.  I hesitate to write a book about a subject that has already been discussed — at length.  I do not believe I could add anything new.  In the meantime, I have begun blogging to try to become more comfortable with writing to the public.  Only God knows where this will lead.

God bless . . . .

5 thoughts on “About Fr. Michael

  1. Welcome Father, and yes it can be scary at times. I too am far more private than most realize. But sometimes we have to be out there to share the good things of God, and I for one thank you for your obedience. God bless.

  2. Thank you, Richard. Thanks to a friend’s suggestion, I have been “eavesdropping” on your blog for quite some time. I truly feel as if you are a man of God, someone who could easily have been a “man of the cloth” if He had led you down that path. May God bless you in your life, each and every day.

  3. If I had it to do over again I would indeed have pursued the priesthood…yet somehow God is not finished with me yet. And your kind words mean so very much, Father. So much. God bless you too. And thanks for “eavesdropping!!!”

  4. Thank you for sharing your life’s inspiration with the international community. I was doing research on the Bible when I found your blog. Thank you for your love for the saints and for God!

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